September Update

We have had a few crazy weeks and left off on a bit of a downer with the weight of the vehicle, since then:

  1. The camper flooded;
  2. The canopy of the ute flooded;
  3. Jodi fell out of the camper (this did help lighten the mood);
  4. Jodi’s dad was flown to Brisbane due to his heart (all good now);
  5. Two days after Jodi’s dad returned, Jo’s grandma didn’t like the attention he received so she decided to have another stroke and was admitted back to hospital (she’s doing ok).

Written down like that, it’s doesn’t look good (except point 3 was pretty funny).  We decided to fix the camper ourselves and in the process Tim ended up stripping the entire camper and enhanced it to suit us a little more. It looks and feels fabulous now and we love it as the entire interior is neat and tidy. Tim hard at work

It was good to still be in Rocky when the family’s health was down. As the saying goes, many hands make light work. 

ETD: Late October – hey, we’re in no hurry. This is our trip, we can start it and end it when we like. The beauty of having no time restraints.